ThE 11

04/18/20 - Roger Wilson has written a short fanfiction story involving the Marvel superhero character Nightwatch, as a way of redeeming him from being a Spawn knockoff and from his villain-retcon with She-Hulk. You can read it here.
Fanfiction.com: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13555337/1/Nightwatch-The-Revelation
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23712409
02/05/18 - Author Roger Wilson announced that he is developing a Puerto Rican female super-heroine that will have her own adventures. The format of her tales could be of short stories, and her powers are unique and intriguing. Look out for her.
01/28/17 - Roger Wilson was a special guest on the Late Late Late Late show with Ash Hawkinz on Real Vision Radio. You can listen to his interview (starting at 27:49) here: https://www.zenolive.com/realindependentmedia/episode/588d64b60301001738ea6d06
09/01/15 - Author Roger Wilson announced that he will begin writing for the 3rd entry in the Phantom Four series. It will be entitled Phantom Four: Vengeance.
Keep checking back to this page for upcoming events or announcements. They will all be posted here.